July, 2014

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Posted by: | Posted on: July 9, 2014

Proximal Development

In this way the construtivismo standes out that action of the citizen in the process of cognitivo development, that is, everything is reflected of the actions that if reveal in coherent and logical operations of the thought, since, they possess some factors that contribute such as, the maturation, the social experience with the physical world, experiences and equilibrao (auto-regulation). For PIAGET the individual learns with the interaction with the other, detaching the interaction between partners and the maturation, therefore it is ahead of the interaction that the individual develops its intelligence and if it appropriates of knowledge of its social inheritance, that is, in accordance with the way where it lives it develops new perceptions and it interacts learning. In the episode of interaction between children, it has a confrontation and perspectives of clutter in the resolution of a problem. That is, this conflict implies in a process of cognitiva reorganization of the individual. In the case it is a process of understanding and later desestrutura to transform into another one hypothesis.

For VYGOTSKY (1978) the culture is a constituent element of the development of the human being, that is, its development if relates to the way and the interaction of the culture that it lives deeply, the same attributes the social interaction as a constituent paper to construct superior knowledge, thus a child whom it does not possess interaction with more demanding cognitivas structures hardly will go to develop such abilities. In this case VYGOTSKY if relates to the Zone of Proximal Development; as in the distance the level of current development enters, determined for the done solution of problems individually, and Potential Level of Development; defined as the solution of problems with adult orientation or contribution of capable partners. That is, the learning consists of the internalizao of the process of social interchange. However the Psychology of the development involves studies of affective, cognitivas, social and biological 0 variable all in the period of the life of the individual. Some consideraes they had been made on the organic maturation of the individual, and its genetic bases (the internal 0 variable), to another influence of the environment (the way where it lives). Search to understand the diverse interactions that occur and as if of the o human development.

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