October, 2014
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Diet Without Decay
A diet for constructive weight loss diet is a system that produces only calorie reduction. The diet is balanced in protein intake and contains carbohydrates and fats in sufficient quantity to maintain without damaging the functions of the organism. Usually a diet of less than 2400 calories most likely to be deficient in vitamins and minerals, that risk is inherent in any reduction in food intake. That is why it is recommended that the diet supplement with multivitamins and minerals. These do not interfere with the weight reduction, but will prevent vitamin deficiencies caused by thinning and avoid a hazard on their health. This type of diets regularly do not cause discomfort or weakness, nor cause hunger. Usually you will find breakfast: lots of fruit, wheat bread, granola, milk, tea or juices.
At lunch: meat without fat, fish, chicken, salads, vegetables, dessert of fruit, yoghurt, tea or juices at dinner: soups, fish, chicken, vegetables, you. In addition to these three groups of meals a day, it is advisable to add two fewer snacks, adding fruits, salads, juices, foods rich in fibres, etc. HABITS along with a diet is recommended to implement new healthy habits that will help to lose weight more quickly, as well as improve their self-esteem and their quality of life, within these habits can include sports, such as swimming, bicycling, jogging in the morning, walking for at least 15 minutes a day, in the end there are many sports to outdoor in which you can participateRemember that one of the main factors for weight gain is a sedentary lifestyle and daily stress. In addition you can include within their daily activities listening to relaxing music, meditation, yoga or any activity that keep an attitude positive and will keep making the necessary changes in their patterns of life. Remember is not having willpower and walk along the path of suffering and martyrdom, adopting outside activities to its personality, rather is to adapt a new healthier lifestyle that is consistent with his personality, which awaken in you a new be and identify with their goals, to keep you always focused on them, since that is losing weight, but keep your sad and discouraged attitude? The intent of this article is not assigned a specific diet, nor serve as psychological aid, but rather to advise visiting a nutrition specialist to determine your daily caloric requirement, as well as the amount and type of food recommended, since each person by their size and weight, daily activity, and health problems require a custom orientation that Yes we can prescribe safely is to keep a positive attitude.
Reproductive Medicine
Fertilization of eggs obtained from the wife achieved by direct sperm injection into cytoplasm of the egg. Donation of an egg. Program 'egg donation' allows women who have no eggs in the ovaries, as well as at high risk hereditary diseases in the fetus, to make and give birth to a healthy baby. In these cases, the egg obtained from a healthy female donor. Surrogacy. Program 'Surrogate Motherhood' makes it possible to have a baby women who for various reasons, the uterus is removed, or child bearing them is contraindicated because of severe diseases. In this case, use an egg and sperm infertile couple. Received the same embryos transferred into the uterus of healthy women – 'surrogate mother'. Freezing of embryos. This program is used for storage and subsequent use of a well-developing embryos in the ivf program (IVF). If necessary, these embryos are thawed and transferred into the uterus without repeating the full cycle of ivf. Bank of donor sperm. Donor sperm is used in cases absolute male infertility or in the absence of sexual partner. Yesterday, today and tomorrow for Reproductive Medicine in 1978 in a small town Ouldhome, England, a gynecologist Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards, the embryologist for the first time in the history of mankind had surgery on in vitro fertilization (IVF), which resulted in the birth of Leslie Brown's daughter Louise. It was the world's first 'man from the tube. " Since then became call the children born using this method.