August, 2016

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Posted by: | Posted on: August 11, 2016

Madrid Will Present His Candidacy To The Olympic Games In 2020

EP Madrid will present his candidacy for the third time to the summer Olympic Games, as announced this Wednesday the Mayor of the capital. PP and PSOE formalize the Yes to a new Olympic dream while IU and UPyD continue studying if they will opt for the refusal or abstention. Between the rivals which will take the capital are Rome, Istanbul and South African Durban city, although the latter could you be rethinking is his candidacy. Madrid will present his candidacy for the third time after 2012 and 2016, at the summer Olympics and will opt to XXXII Edition in 2020, as announced this Wednesday the Mayor of the capital, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon, at a press conference which will be held at 12 noon in the Palacio de Cibeles. In the meeting with the press, the Mayor will be accompanied by spokesman Socialist City Hall and former Secretary of State for sport, Jaime Lissavetzky, and the Madrid Vice-Mayor Manuel Cobo.

Thus, PP and PSOE formalize the Yes a new Olympic dream while IU and UPyD continue studying if they will opt for the refusal or abstention in the plenary on Wednesday of next week, where formalized the decision hours until you pass by the Executive of the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE). Opposition sources have explained that seeks a low profile candidate and that the works of various infrastructures by making should not start in any case until Madrid does not have the confirmation that will be Olympic city. The Mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon, said last week that Pyeongchang, the Korean city that has been done with the 2018 winter games, had been awarded after a third attempt by his constancy and perseverance. This was interpreted as a possible new Olympic bid, the third by the first councilman. Meanwhile, Lissavetzky valued days ago that 70 or 80% of the works are very advanced Recalling also in the Olympic world is very considered institutional support and social support. Let’s see if you can compose this puzzle, she added.

However, the spokesman for the regional government, Ignacio Gonzalez, warned of enormous financial effort that would have to be done at a difficult juncture to arrange a few games. In turn, the Secretary general of the PP in Madrid, Francisco Granados, said days ago that twice are sufficient, in rrencia to the two defeats suffered by the capital in their aspirations for hosting the Olympics in 2012 and 2016. Gallardon will official news that had been speculating in recent weeks, especially after the election of the South Korean city of Pyeongchang as the 2018 Winter Games headquarters, on July 6 in Durban (South Africa), address the European candidates of Annecy (France) and Munich (Germany). Among the rivals who will take the capital are Rome, Istanbul and the city South African Durban, although the latter could be rethinking is his candidacy once the African country’s Government initially announced his resignation despite the success of the 2010 football world. Source of the news: Madrid will present his candidacy to the Olympic Games in 2020

Posted by: | Posted on: August 1, 2016

Work For Youth

The lack of education puts at risk the future El Dr. Benito Calcagno, an expert in the law of labor and human relations, anticipates the future of the youth of the Argentina, given the current lack of adequate education and how to remedy it. The lack of proper education leads to a generation of unskilled workers.

Lack of education is one of the main problems requiring an immediate remedy. Our country has a very unbalanced distribution of wealth and even though we are not the worst country in the world, because Brazil is worse, we are at the same level as Chile. I say that it is a bad distribution because much of society lives poorly and without any possibilities of training and this causes those vicious circles of social polarization and behaviors and high costs for all. The immediate horizon should be improving the quality of life of all citizens and educate, because it is the only way to achieve greater social inclusion. The following job order was received in the Meo Working company of my friend, the engineer Meo Aquiles de la Torre, who also am your advisor. That answer should be in this case? CURRICULUS BITAE photo real to 12 June 2010 (the sack me pocho with foamed) Lic.

Posted by: | Posted on: August 1, 2016


Classification of discharge lamps and the major areas of their application. Gas-discharge light source or a discharge lamp is called the electric lamp in which light is produced by the electric discharge in a gas and (Or) metal vapor. The principle of the device used and type of discharge. The vast majority of gazogazorazryadnyh tubes are transparent to optical radiation flask cylindrical, spherical or other shapes. A flask is hermetically soldered two main electrodes, between which a discharge occurs. Sometimes the plugs are soldered to facilitate additional electrodes. The interior space flask after removing the air and thorough bake-out lamps (removal of adsorbed material in the bulb and the electrodes of the water vapor and other gases by heating under evacuation) is filled with a specific gas (usually inert) to a different pressure or inert gas and a small amount of metal with a high vapor pressure, such as mercury, sodium, etc.

Since the mid 60's lamps are widely used, but in which an inert gas and mercury enter the special emitting additives, which are mostly various metal halides. There is a category discharge lamps with electrodes, operating in an open atmosphere in which the discharge occurs in air and vapor material of electrodes. This carbon arc. In this type of lamp is consumed during the electrode material. In special types of lamps lit in the flowing discharge gas. There are also lamps, which use high-frequency electrodeless discharge. They are a sealed flask without electrodes, containing the necessary gases or vapors.

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