December, 2016
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TERMOREGULAO DURING THE EXERCCIO During it practises of exercises our temperature it increases due to the increase of the heat production and also increases the necessity of the transference of this produced heat. As beginning of the exercise the heat production increases between 15 and 20 times compared with rest levels, being able to increase significantly our body temperature, harming our vital functions. However the body temperature does not reach levels that would harm our organism due the termoregulao mechanisms that they transfer the heat produced, adjusting around 37. The termoregulao mechanisms are, irradiation, convection, conduction and evaporation. Irradiation: Any body that does not possess equal temperature the zero loses heat in the form of electromagnetic waves, being transferred of the body hottest to most cold. Convection: The air molecules are renewed by others due to density difference, for example, cooling through the wind. Conduction: When the contact between the bodies exists, occurs the transference of the heat between them, being transferred particle for particle.
Former: Transference of the heat for the clothes and footwear. Evaporation: The heat is transferred through the evaporation of water molecules of the body. The diffusion of the water of the body for the environment occurs. Some factors influence the termoregulao, as color of the clothes, hidratao and environment. Clear clothes absorb little heat of what the dark clothes, the adequate hidratao favors the evaporation process and less hot and humid environments favor the processes of heat transference. Therefore attention with these factors to increase the efficiency of its termoregulao and to prevent the hipertermia.