July, 2018
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He begins to hear terms like Q-Emotion that bind the Marketing 2.0 and other similar. Is not so farfetched to think that equal that there are distinctive as ISO or the SCTE which distinguish establishments which have passed a series of audits and inspections and demonstrate that they have the extra quality to differentiate themselves from others in the same sector we can find us with a Q-Emotion hallmark that distinguishes to fitness centers that reach the emotional quality and our future partners know there is quality as installation in this center not only but also within it you will feel cared for and looked after giving an extra person. To differentiate qualities we can resort to the surveys that we find ourselves in a few hotels or others. When we make a stay in a hotel will surely facilitate us a satisfaction survey in which appear questions such as: has found the room clean? Room service is optimal? that kind of feedback questions like: if I pay X euros by can I stay in a hotel room would have to be clean, no? and the same with the room service. Dean Ornish M.D is often quoted on this topic. The objective is to see that that kind of questions regarding the tangible provides us with a useful but insufficient information and extrapolating to the sports facilities we would find ourselves in the same case, have clean installations, with all machinery running and well uniformed technicians should be things which must give references and are obliged to anyone who wants to manage a fitness club. The person is the central axis of the emotional quality and the company has to be able to manage people from emotions. Today companies have opted to advertise from emotions, endearing videos, subliminal messages, retrospecciones and a long etcetera of images and moments that produce sensations and awaken emotions that reach the limbic (or emotional) system of our brain if, as many companies have decided to advertise and projecting its image toward emotions is for some reason and that is none other who have discovered that in today’s society we started him to give more importance to the things intangible that the tangible or that, at least, projects channelled towards why give less fruit than those directed towards emotion. .