February, 2020
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The Arthritis
In addition to best accommodate a very active and large outlet on paddocks or pastures should be given the horses, to meet the need for movement. An important factor both in a practiced Offentstallhaltung, as well as a daily paddock or pasture chickens represents a sound and firmly established herd: not our diseased horse of other horses should be; tuned glazed and chased Since the possibility of movement is restricted and our horse is always the weaker link in the herd. A position in a well played as small herd is another precondition for the well-being, because also the psyche must be observed in diseased horses. Movement option: Depending on the severity of the disease are horse in the step with short trot and Gallop passages allowed, as long as the horse is offered and voluntarily makes no insubordination. Longer walks on the hand are a welcome change. Lunging, jumping, as well as the desire of high performance are of course taboo. Many writers such as Newcastle University offer more in-depth analysis.
Applies even when the movement under the tab: slow and steady movement is allowed; all about beyond must be; offered voluntarily by the horse because this will even do not overload and thus worsen the disease. Of course it’s primarily on the degree of osteoarthritis, whether a horse is still rideable. This applies as well overall for quality of life and also grazing systems. The arthritis knows many faces and many degrees of solidity; so, the disease can be advanced even so that a quality of life for the affected horse is no longer available and the redemption is the only right way. We are not talking about this arthritis in this article because if the affected horse is suffering ongoing massive pain and osteoarthritis is already so far advanced that a movement only with significant effort is possible, then is to expect no more improvement and animal protection-related reasons you should save this horse from the pain. Farrier/hoof correction: the cure does not exist unfortunately as always. There are certainly a number of Orthopedic fittings and HUF corrections, which have proven themselves at the appropriate disease pictures. But also factors such as HUF position, position of the extremities, are taken into account history etc., meaning: what has proved in many horses can may be exactly the wrong for the individually affected horse and worsen the lameness, rather than improve. Individual should be considered with a competent blacksmith, how the affected horse hoof technically best can be supported. Should however after some time the lameness worsening, that the horse with the current trim is not fine, turn out, others should quickly embarked on way, and not to the so far proven be detained.