March, 2020
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Muscle Functional Classification
We already saw as the muscle performed different functions in the organism (movement, circulation, temperature, protection, ). Centering us in its mechanical function, we emphasize that each muscle conducts one or more battle on each one of the joints that it crosses. Speaking candidly Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. told us the story. For example, the biceps brachial (the one of to remove to ball with the arm), not only flexiona the elbow, but also participates in the actions of turn of the hand upwards (supinacin) and of elevation of the arm completely from the shoulder (flexion and abduction). Therefore, the muscle by itself is characterized to carry out primary actions (generally one) and secondary actions (normally several). From this shade, we will classify muscles like: Agonists: those that directly realise the movement thanks to their contraction. Logically, these are most important, since without its retraction the movement is impossible. Of them, always there will practically be one realises in movement its primary action; this one is the primary motor or protagonist. The rest, the assistants, will be muscles that collaborate in the movement with the implication of their secondary actions; they are the secondary motors.
Antagonists: those that exactly conduct the opposite battle to the movement that is executed. And although they do not play a fundamental role like the agonists, the movement could not be realised if these are not completely relaxed. For example, returning to take the biceps like reference, if trceps (its antagonist) is not relaxed, the flexion of the elbow it will be difficult to us to carry out. The antagonistic muscle is fundamental in the effectiveness of the movement. Sinergistas: they are those that complement the movement, generally with the fixation of some joints or inhibition of the secondary actions of the muscle protagonist. With an example it is understood better. We have seen that the biceps flexiona the elbow, turns the hand and raises the arm.
Council an independent Secretary, structured offices for 20 years many secretariats and numerous jobs gets stuck and jammed it mostly in the same locations: each employee and each employee has its own structure in the head, on the PC or in the paper exit tray, and many change their own strategy depending on the day. That certainly hindered their own work and cooperation with other. For 20 years, Judith Kneiding is on the way as independent and mobile Secretary. In all these years, she could observe that chaotic jobs, opaque paper stack, fully expired mailboxes or permanent search arising after documents, because no order structure was developed for processes. One can proceed, for example, very different offers.
Depending on how to run the processes in the company, the tray can be sorted differently. What structure is chosen, is not so important. It is essential that structures and processes are set once useful and accepted by all. As with the Card games are there then no exceptions”, explains Judith Kneiding. When are all on a defined process, there are two great advantages: everyone is replaceable and the Office slip. “” “But Kneidings Maxime Mach you replaceable” want to hear at the beginning nobody it means but ostensibly unhappy: we can always give you “or we don’t need you.” Become replaceable but is an act of liberation. Who structured works, that another person may at any time take, is independent and needs to worry, if he or she fails once.
Division of labour, job sharing or representations so smoothly. With the attitude I’m replaceable”becomes clear suddenly, that procedures and processes are not private, but need to be clarified and agreed. This applies to employees as for heads. Judith Kneiding supports companies to find a structure suitable for and order. But she has the protected Kneiding ISO system developed. This brings information, structure and order in each Office. This is also a first step towards ISO certification. A lean Office Fraunhofer study indicates that 30 percent of work time in the administration are wasted. The biggest potential for optimization is according to the study in the improvement of poorly coordinated processes..