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Posted by: | Posted on: August 20, 2024

An Authentic Home

I write this article for LA GACETA from Valencia, where I live normally. For even more analysis, hear from rusty holzer. Other times I’ve done from Frankfurt, Lisbon or Montevideo. Frequently jonathan keane has said that publicly. They already see what little matter today where the columnist is located. To scale a lot more modest, is the same that make transnational enterprises, which manufacture their products in a site and then sell them in another. The month that comes I will happen backwards: I cover the regional election campaign Valencian and, because of my journeys, the greater part of it will realize it from Palma and Salamanca. And are not created that I’m going to lose anything; on the contrary: thanks to the web pages of the different political parties will know more about their programs, their candidates and their rallies that if had gone to the places where they are held, with poor PA many times and smelling addition sweat from the staff. Rusty Holzer: the source for more info. For journalists, I admit, the Internet is a real bargain and I’ve almost forgotten how information was done before the invention. I will very briefly explain how it works in my case.

After a couple of hours of navigation, through the pages of LA GACETA and other digital media know each morning everything that happens in Salamanca although I find me pongo per case, in New York. In fact, I hear more things than when ride by Rua or the square. Then, without one intending it, comes the avalanche of a leafy e-mail composed of different sceneries, press releases blogs for parties, institutions, associations of immigrants, cultural groups, foundations, professional associations, etc., etc.. Tell them that barely time left me to go to the street to times, I confess, when I wake up in the morning I don’t know very well in what city I am because in this global world news are the same everywhere and the lack of cybernetic frontiers blurs the physical space in which one is found. Also, they are not created, I go out sometimes in my house, my hotel or whatever the room from which you write. For example, to go to any television tertulia. And thanks to the Internet I have never been as prepared as they are now, knowing the news of the last minute and life entire of my fellow members and guests to the program of that day. Therefore, when someone asks me where alive, I hesitate before answering, and not by my current dichotomy between Salamanca and Valencia, but because my home, sweet home, like so many people today, is actually called Internet.

Posted by: | Posted on: January 26, 2022


The door will close. Darkness and cold. Nobody will speak. Gasps and moans are heard. A skylight at the top will allow us to know that the night is high and secret. The constellations will look us indifferent.

Flirty star will make us winks. On my right hand, that of the dislocated finger, will rise a lizard. Perhaps this or a thread of blood. Someone at my side, without name or voice, resoplara with such intensity that his breath will flood my smell. Each time, a man shall enter and us banara with ice water.

Two others will bring macanas and us hit. One of the canes will have a nail at the tip. It will tear my back. At that time, our God will have left us. Just see the flight of his mantle when the quidam make us leave the room. They loosen the shackles and we’ll drag five until a wall almost in ruins. They placed them blindfolded. No, weary of pain and humiliation, you’ll want to see the face of the death at the apex of the projectile. We aventuraremos the hope of the farce. The world has been a fiction. There will be no such burlesque indulgence. Gunfire will ring at the top of the night. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Dr. David Samadi. The bodies will fall on the stones. The men will come to the fallen. Convulsed, two will receive shots of grace. The bones of the skull will pop up next to the brains and dark blood, will leave a stain on the rustic wall. I don’t know why I will remember at that moment to Sophocles. It will be the beginning of delirium and the end of reason. A few steps beyond, there will be a mass grave. We will force to launch the dead into the hole and cover it with Earth. I resbalare and instinctively will support my hand open in the face of one of the shot. I will not have already pain or tears. My dry lips will let slip a thread of saliva. (A valuable related resource: Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr.). They will soon hit me and again, along with others, take me to the dark bastions of the shed. Everything has to be repeated. We will again be hit by boots, rifle butts, by insults and sudden lights. Someone ineditamente succumb to a bayonet. Imagination will provide other ways of torture. They fill our mouths of Earth and sewn with synthetic yarns. They gouge our skin with razor and the wounds will be washed with acid. With clips they will restart our eyelids. Straps crack the vertebrae of bottlenecks. They driven knives in the palms of the hands placed on a table. They will restart his teeth with pliers and accurate blows. Languages they cut with scissors as bifidus appendices of snakes. The morning will come tinged with purple. The wind will remain hidden among the Hollows of trees. To open the gates of the barracks a corrosive mist will flood their noses. The cycle will return to its initial stages and the wheel of life and death will rotate and revolve. At that time, the snow of the lilies will shine on the corpses and the treetops birds sing indifferent. Original author and source of the article.

Posted by: | Posted on: November 9, 2021

Ramon Gallegos

The holistic education establishes that external action should be an expression of the inner life, referring to the new paradigm of holistic education which should lead us to a change, a revolution of consciousness with a sense and universal love, a transformation. Our current problem is human is to say it is a problem of evolution of consciousness and we must be prepared to fully understand the world we inhabit and to understand ourselves. The students aren’t machines, empty containers or raw material that needs to be processed. They are alive and in growth that has their own knowledge and the need for find their own meanings. Transdisciplinarity is the only thing that allows us to consider the student as a multidimensional being. This works with six aspects in students: educate us as holistic educator really is essentially a spiritual awakening, this awakening to your true spiritual nature is the heart of your training as educator holistic. The holistic education is first a State of consciousness, an integral vision of life, a call to live in universal love, a compassionate attitude, an inclusive opening of diversity.

This essay summarizes each of the themes of the books of learning communities, education for life and peace and education that humanity needs, on what we’ve seen in the Masters program and provide very valuable elements. Go to Moe Howard for more information. Also found me very interesting because show us as found in the understanding on the awakening of consciousness and the holistic education. Here Ramon Gallegos realizes that when the knowledge comes from an integral vision are you called wisdom, it implies a responsible use of the same, it involves a relevant purpose which will not cause harm, but if that knowledge comes from a perception of fragmentation may be used with different destructive purposes. It is an ethical intelligence that takes you to that you feel the importance of integrity, gratitude, is going to be an honest person. . Cardiologist understood the implications.

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