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Posted by: | Posted on: July 27, 2022

Spanish Arcana

Often to perform free tarot Chuck doubts arise when the minor arcana leave revealed. Many are still unaware of the true significance of this group of letters. The minor arcana are divided into four suits, as the Spanish deck. However, the arcana of the tarot deck, is completely different. Firstly, the illustrations of the cards of the four suits are different. And, in addition, Spanish playing cards have twelve letters by suit, while the arcana of the tarot are composed of fourteen letters by stick.

Each suit of the minor arcana has a fascinating history, an evolution from a lower to a higher State. But this lower State is not necessarily a less economic power, but a more primitive State of spirituality. Letters then narrates the growth of the person, who should finally contemplate the non-material world, to give each thing the value that deserves. The five of wands shows a brawl that takes place among several fighting with their canes as children. It can be understood as a situation where is It will give a summation of complications, that the consultant will face in the immediate future.

But the battle can be both internally and externally, i.e. enemies may be other people who are opposed to our development, as well as our own complexes that prevent us to grow healthily. It will be a matter of thinking about where the obstacle lies, to overcome it in the best way. The six of wands shows a State of equilibrium. Battles have already been conducted, and the person has emerged victorious from all of them. However, the precaution that is drawn is the of not becoming a being conceited, why, sometimes, small details can make a plan that seemed real will come down like a House of cards. Courage is what extra, when the seven of wands comes exposed in the circulation of the tarot. Fear exists, is true, but is overcome by the desire to defend against enemies that might threaten our possessions, or our loved ones. This arcane invitation is to fight, to stand and defend what is of one. Is that person that you are interested in very close to a competitor? Don’t miss one minute more, and what claim legally corresponds. All of these messages can be obtained with a circulation of free tarot, as that can be found at. Now on the site and see for yourself.

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