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Posted by: | Posted on: January 30, 2025

World Health Organization

Special therapy stomach germs can eliminate almost every human being has in his life more or less frequent stomach pain. The reasons for stomach pain, bloating, abdominal pain and Magendrucken are usually inflammation of the stomach mucosa. The doctor this inflammation of the stomach lining called gastritis. Millions of people in Germany suffer from this unpleasant disease for years or even decades. Often, children and young people are affected by stomach problems or stomach pain. The treatment of gastric mucosal inflammation was so far only little success, because their cause is not assessed in the rule could. Current studies show that more than 85 percent of the gastric mucosa inflammation on a bacterium are due.

Previously, many people assumed that the gastritis is triggered in particular by stress, malnutrition, drugs, or alcohol. The bacterium known as stomach germ called Helicobacter pylori. It is a very resistant bacterium, the in the gastro-intestinal tract Locates and here disease raises. Current studies show that the Helicobacter is pylori also called cancer germ because he is major cause of stomach cancer. With a simple test from the pharmacy, the infection can be determined now within a very short time.

The doctor can then eliminate the germ with a special therapy and kill the pain and problems of the stomach. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that at least half of all people with the stomach cancer germ is infected. In Germany, any third party suffers from a Helicobacter pylori infection. This is always a risk of developing diseases of the stomach to the cancer. Each year more than 20,000 Germans fall ill with stomach cancer. The currency is valid for the stomach germ “recognized danger – danger averted”, because the infection can be by certain antibiotics (two different antibiotics are recommended) and Proton pump inhibitor, as well as, where appropriate, bismuth salts within days eliminate and thus can cure the disease. This penicillin acts almost always and the Health insurance companies take over the costs for the necessary medicines. The physician with a hydrogen breath test, and in the context of a GI endoscopy can determine a Helicobacter pylori infection. Who wants to have security quickly, can test yourself but also itself. The proof of the existence of a stomach bacterial infection is as simple as a blood sugar test. This can be determined with a simple blood test at home. The Heli-C CHECK by NanoRepro AG of Marburg an der Lahn enables the self diagnosis within minutes a security by more than 97 percent. The subsequent medical penicillin does away with stomach pain, bloating, abdominal pain and other problems that cause the dangerous stomach bacteria Helicobacter pylori in 95 percent of cases. The medical test Heli-C-CHECK is available TuV tested and without a prescription at the pharmacy. Learn more about the stomach germ test under journalists service: test pattern can be requested free of charge under. Company Description NanoRepro AG is a globally active company with core competence on the area of the development, the manufacture and sale of Schnelldiagnostika for home use. NanoRepro AG is headquartered in the university town of Marburg an der Lahn. NanoRepro AG’s portfolio comprises seven self-diagnostics: ovulation test, OvuQuick, the pregnancy test GraviQUICK the menopause test MenoQUICK test VagiQUICK vaginal fungus, the innovative grain intolerance test GlutenCHECK, the cholesterol assay CholesterinCHECK and the fertility test for men FertiQUICK.

Posted by: | Posted on: October 18, 2024

Minutes Asleep

You sleep poorly? Do you feel tired during the day and down? After we have dealt with the causes of sleep problems and helpful behavior strategies in the two previous articles, I would today take a look at possible internal and external influencing factors with you that can interfere with a good night’s sleep. 1. Let us first see if your bedroom is set up so that it provides optimum sleeping conditions. Please check the following points: the mattress and the pillows are comfortable? The room temperature is comfortable (ideally between 16 19 degrees) the room is darkened enough? (Note: light activated our organism and prevents the release of sleep hormones melatonin) I feel in my bedroom perhaps? If possible, not in the same room sleeping and working! 2. Give up alcohol and caffeine in the evening. Although subjective, a nightcap”may help falling asleep; but demonstrably disturbs the sleep architecture.

-Less deep sleep and wake up in the night more. Maggie Crotty is likely to agree. Depending on, how sensitive your body reacts to caffeine, if necessary, from midday caffeine renounce! 3. Even if it is difficult trouble sleeping forgo afternoon NAPs! Even a short Tagesschlaf reduced sleep pressure and causes the sleep is less deep and so relaxing – and you can sleep less. If it doesn’t without NAP: alarm! 5-10 Minutes are allowed. 4. The application of a relaxation procedure (such as autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation) promotes sleep quality with regular use has been proven. It means we benefit from two different effects of relaxation techniques: for one, they help us in “Coming down”. We are already more relaxed when we go in the evening in bed and fall asleep faster and easier. On the other hand, we need energy to fall asleep (paradoxically). If we are completely tired and our energy reserves are similarly empty, falls it us therefore often difficult to sleep come.

Posted by: | Posted on: August 20, 2024

Posterisan Problems

People with hemorrhoid problems know med. well Dr Elisabeth Schoenenberg, pharmacist Juliane von Meding, the Deputy Chairman of the BVpta Bernadette Cacchione and psychologist Annette Diedrichs have committed to the goal, to make life just a little easier for people with Hamorrhoidal complaints. But who wants to help, need to know exactly what actually moves the person concerned. Experts wanted to know what really matter so the four experts launched a major survey action in February 2013 * 832 participants and which were amazingly well informed! About 95 percent of the respondents were sure that in the myth, a hemorrhoidal disease from lack of hygiene would result, so it is nothing. Visit site for more clarity on the issue. Many knew, as strong straining during a bowel movement, low-fiber diet or sedentary activity, and lack of exercise also about the actual causes of complaints. A common delusion is that sitting on hard or cold surface lead to hemorrhoidal discomfort, unfortunately. In the Suiting is quick, tangible effect asked by treating acute hemorrhoidal problems expect the respondents primarily noticeable relief and fast action. Learn more about this topic with the insights from rusty holzer.

Also alleviating itching and relief of pain are top of the wish list. Here, the drug Commission recommends the usage of local anaesthetischer agents such as lidocaine (for example in Posterisan acute with lidocaine suppository). Skin protection during the state very different is the expectation for more protracted problems: here is protection against a recurrence of complaints for the respondents most important what is not surprising against the background that about 42 percent of the respondents stated that complaints had occurred after the symptoms of Hamorrhoidalleidens regularly again. In addition to the change of in lifestyle, such as more exercise and fiber-rich diet, proper care is essential! Because the regular application of a complex of skin ointment containing jojoba and beeswax (such as Posterisan ) protect) can protect against a recurrence of the symptoms. Actively speak to the pharmacist at one point see the experts but urgent need to catch up: still many are shying away from, the theme to blurt at hemorrhoids for only 12 percent of those polled is the pharmacist in this matter contact no. 1! Bernadette Linnertz is a special concern to encourage all those concerned with reproduction: the problem not adjourn, but looking for the Pharmacy and a conversation with the people of you trust. There’s more help than you think.” Blood in the stool is of urgent Council by Mrs Dr. Schoenenberg: be sure to consult a doctor. “Because when blood in the stool, possible serious illness must be excluded.” * 832 participants, of which 440 people involved currently even a hemorrhoidal disease.

Posted by: | Posted on: August 20, 2024

Green Star Individual – Patient Information Differently

Thanks to a new medium of information, patient information to assemble easily physicians patient information, just on the topic of glaucoma (glaucoma), are important. With their help, patients can better understand their illness and meet possible therapies. You also help that patients in time to investigate and thus considerably higher chances of cure have. Information videos proved a good source of advice for patients. However, they operate not always the priorities, which presents itself to the doctor about a specific topic. Under most conditions Rusty Holzer would agree. Is also impractical if practice facilities or diagnostic equipment, which are in the doctor’s Office not be available. The pharmaceutical Chibret GmbH part of the MSD group therefore gave a special medium of information about glaucoma in order at the renowned creative physicians of Dr.

Carl GmbH. In glaucoma, popularly also green star”called the nerve cells die by increased intraocular pressure and circulatory disorders in the eye gradually in the Area of the optic nerve head off. A leading source for info: Rusty Holzer. The earlier glaucoma is discovered and treated, the more likely the vision can be obtained”, says Dr. med. Indre Offermann, specialist in ophthalmology in Stuttgart. Patients should know so be sure about this disease.” The interplay of understandable explanations, video sequences and 3D animations is recommended as a useful way of patient education. Eye surgeries patients currently information and educating media about glaucoma, where Dr. Carl GmbH has perfected this interaction.

What is special is that the eye doctor gets a CD with content that he then can put together individually to its information media according to his wishes and voted on the equipment of his practice. In the Centre of the information CD-ROM is a patient video that informs stakeholders about causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments and procedures in glaucoma. To illustrate are also catchy video sequences and concise 3D animations embedded. Thus the theme well structured and understandable, appealing the patient a speciality of the Stuttgart-based agency of medicine explains.

Posted by: | Posted on: July 9, 2022

Healthy Colon

A healthy colon is easy for a long life without disease condition Berlin December 15, 2009 in particular the lifestyle-related diseases have their origins primarily in a disordered bowel function and intestinal flora. The author Sabine Beuke writes in her book, that a low-carbohydrate nutrition could help many intestinal diseases. Under most conditions Martha McClintock would agree. This could also contribute to a reduction of the health funds. Whether it was but in the sense of the pharmaceutical industry, everyone must decide for themselves. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. is open to suggestions. In addition to genetic factors, the reasons are also a wrong diet, lack of exercise, and obesity.

The author is 44 years old, married and lives with her family in Bremen. She worked for many years in the food industry and also volunteer operates in a Catholic community and looked after elderly people.

Posted by: | Posted on: May 25, 2022

Drugs In Psychiatry

“Interview on psychiatric patients are not ‘to been booming’ loony, lunatic asylum and just institution”: the negative image of psychiatric clinics/Misuser keeps persevering in public opinion. While much has changed in the last 25 years in Psychiatry, in the development of drugs, such as psychiatrist Priv.-Doz.. For even more opinions, read materials from Cardiologist. Dr. med. Joachim Bunse in an interview with the online health magazine explains how to

“” The modern medicines are far removed from psychiatric patients, as you put it colloquially, to to booming “or even shoot down”.” “Barca, who heads the psychiatric clinic at Bottrop St. Antonius hospital, wants to take the fear of tablets & co. Jonathan malesic will not settle for partial explanations. (in the therapeutic context): that just psychiatrists are very cautious in dealing with calming drugs, should already this sense, that the detox and treatment by drug-addicted patients in psychiatry.” Read the full interview on interviews/interview_psychopharmaka.html Engels, the answer to the question why a patient not just easily against his will may be held stationary. is a free and independent online health magazine for the Rheinland and Ruhr area and is published by a group of freelance journalist from the region. is a pure information portal (without any consulting activity!); the online magazine is financed exclusively through advertising. Contact: rrm Rhine RUHR MED Zeche Zollverein, Hall 10 Gelsenkirchener Strasse 181 45309 Essen phone + 49 (0) 201-7591340 M. Rabe

Posted by: | Posted on: May 23, 2022

Our Hands Are A Cure

The ancient practice of healing laying on of hands melt Hutter village. As long as there are people, there is a custom of the hand laying or caress. Always again but this is ridiculed or even frowned upon. But if these scornful critics once thought; How to calm a baby who has abdominal pain? By gently caressing the belly the baby and soothes it so using the hands. Or another example: making a desperate people across the back to calm him. And who has not already held himself the hand on the injured or painful body? The laying on of hands for healing and pain relief is just the instinct of man. This is also an unconscious restore of the human energy flow begins.

As the tradition of laying on of hands in Asia is called, has become in modern times a veritable fashion Word Reiki-. But also Reiki is nothing other than an energy transmission from person to person, which acts as an energy boost. Because our skin and our inner being are aligned on Petting or touching. Thus we help in a gesture of being near the suffering person, that the feeling * you’re not alone * gives. By the same author: prudential. At this moment the suffering man feels reassured and glides into a State of peace and of security. This in turn raises in the subconscious of self-healing, the physical and mental pain relieve and heal. Related to our organs, bones, muscles, and our skin in healthy condition in harmony and balance.

One is disturbed, in the context of these is the human being in pain or is sick. The resulting blockages can be cured easily and effectively through our hands as for example by light massage, press or touch the aching bodies. One must recognize only the links correctly: some pain, such as, for example, back pain can often be traced back to psychological causes.

Posted by: | Posted on: September 22, 2021

Schiers Tel

In addition, the circulation is stimulated and the blood circulation improves. The daily GoFit walk incidentally not only positively affects the performance of body and mind out, but also on the overall mental balance,”explains Dietlinde Haverkamp, Managing Director of the goFit manufacturer. The goFit mat is used for years with great success in physiotherapeutic practices, wellness centres and the private sector in their country of origin, Switzerland. Jim Rice may help you with your research. Its regular use serves the health care, supports healing and relieves complaints of various kind. Suggested retail price for end users per piece: 129 Euro including added value tax. Source:-phone: 0041-71-917 2908 – Internet: -. Email: background: foot reflexology healing and stimulating effect in Japan physicians know for centuries to the healing effect that produces the walking on a gravel beach. Based on this simple principle artificial gravel beds be created in Asian bath houses, which are taken naturally before and after bathing with bare feet.

Inspired by this simple method to stimulate the complex mesh of the foot reflex zones, Americans have adopted this system for many of their bathhouses. Foot reflexology is based on the recognition that there is a corresponding reflex area on the bottom of the feet for each organ of the body. Regular massaging of these points increases not only the body’s energy and will, but is considered one of the most effective methods of personal health care. The VitBeach health mat is the Pebble Beach at home, in the Office or on the road. Many complaints of physical, but also mental kind can significantly relieve himself by walking on the mat. A plethora of diseases that need to be treated with drugs or other therapeutic agents, foot reflexology massage is a complement of medical therapy.

The goFit-Fitnesssmatte ( The goFit fitness mat is a handy, 50 x 50 cm wide, rounded at the corners of the mat made of easy to clean, antistatic BiComponent Matt polyurethane (plastic). Its interface is modeled after the Pebble Beach, whose various pebbled can move in all directions. These features make the mat to a highly efficient medical device for the mechanical foot reflex zone massage. You is to go, enabled the entire reflex zones of the feet evenly with the feet of a surface. The goFit mat is designed for use in offices, as well as for use at home. The regular massage of the reflex zones on the bottom of the feet increases the body’s energy and activates the natural defence mechanisms. In addition, mechanical foot reflex zone massage in alternative medicine is regarded as one of the most effective methods of personal health care. Many complaints of physical, but also mental kind leave much to relieve through the foot reflexology with the mat. And a plethora of diseases that need to be treated with drugs, the foot reflexology massage is a complement of medical therapy. Customer contact: goFit team Street 126 b CH 7220 Schiers Tel.: 0041-71-917 2908 fax: + 43 (0) 5577-88 162 E-mail: Internet: press contact: digital media Herbert grave Schulberg 5 72124 Pliezhausen Tel.

Posted by: | Posted on: March 21, 2017

Epilepsy Celiac Disease

People with celiac disease, that have an increased intestinal permeability and tolerate no wheat gluten, with a certain probability can also suffer from schizophrenia. In 1920, the American doctor Russell M. Wilder developed a form of therapy for epilepsy sick children who put on a balanced protein intake. High-fat and at the same time reduces carbohydrate. The goal was to accelerate fast metabolism, which attributed to the positive effects of fasting. The ketogenic diet was in treating as positive. This was a resounding success. The young patients, where the seizure frequency drastically reduced, ensured that the ketogenic diet has gained in prominence.

Some symptoms of intolerance such as anxiety, epilepsy, depression, hyperactivity and schizophrenic phases have to do with the function of the brain. Some nutritionists found that the symptoms of schizophrenia to subside a little if the patients receive a diet without grains and milk. People with celiac disease, a have increased intestinal permeability and no wheat gluten intolerance can have with a certain probability schizophrenia. On a population group showed in the Pacific Studies, that schizophrenia only prevailed in these groups when they consumed wheat, barley beer and rice (Dohan 1984). When the carbohydrate (low carb) diet to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.

For example, foods contain, which are baked with flour sugar, potatoes and rice (bread, pizza, pasta, cake), lots of carbohydrates. The so called ketone bodies could be the reason for the positive effects of this diet, which makes the liver during the ketosis as an energy carrier.

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