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Posted by: | Posted on: June 1, 2022

Split Of The Human Being

The great conflict lived for the human being, in the current days, if of the one in function of it not to know itself in its totality. The man lives of broken up form, not having support in its arguments come from the unconscious one. Exactly that many deny the existence of the unconscious one, it acts and interacts, all the moment, in our lives. The split of the human being is related to the fact of the difficulty that it has to enter in contact with the contents of its unconscious one, giving heard only to the contents of the conscience. At the moment that it to obtain to join the information contained in the unconscious one with conscientious, exactly that this occurs by means of symbols, it will obtain to perceive itself as an entire being. The conflicts with the opposing feelings that load inside of itself, will be brightened up, therefore it will understand that all have its good and bad side, glad and sad, between as much others, therefore to be part of the life of the human being. From now on, it will be able to assume that some things in its way exist to function dislikes that it, acquiring knowledge itself of that they are passveis of change. Not obstante, those that really attack in them, for not being in accordance with our principles, will have to continue restrained in the unconscious one.

We need to be open to listen what it has in saying the voice to them of the repression, the fear, of the shame, of the critical one. But that voice is this? It is the voice of the parents or the cuidadores, that is internalizada in the unconscious one and that it all passes the time in saying what we can or not make, what is certain what is missed, what is good or bad. Exactly in the adult phase, still we are imprisoned to this voice, in not giving the account that it was very important in our lives, in one determined period. That perhaps today it if does not make more necessary, therefore everything what they had transmitted in them was based in its truths, the referenciais of values of its time and in the vision of world that had. Many feel culprits if not to listen. They do not obtain to discern what they must keep and what needs to be discarded, so that they obtain to be perceived and if to feel as an integrated being. Therefore, importance to know that it is possible to construct our experiences, by means of our look and of our referenciais of world, that had been being created in elapsing of our development. To understand that we are facetados beings and that many times, we will confrot in them with that image that we do not like us, but that we have that to coexist. Perhaps thus, the human being obtains to see itself as an entire being and to live better, respecting itself and to the others.

Posted by: | Posted on: January 7, 2022

Social Presence

From these notes, it is possible to conclude especially that to be accepted socially something is desirable, if the acceptance will be tied with community of interest and cooperation. Read more here: Preventive Medicine Research Institute. Lacerda (1998) makes a note in relation to the permanent presence in a group, standing out that the friendships for safer than are can arrive at the decline for the lack of maturity of its components. In general, the ones that more they need friendships, are the ones that have little conditions to conserve the friendship, for the fact of it uncontrol emotional conflicts among others. According to Lacerda (1998), the group has function to define papers and to help in the social identity of the integrant ones. Many adolescents not to participate of no group, mean the same that to be outside of the universe. The adolescents wait when they are in groups, that its participation welfare promotes to it, experience, emotions, satisfactions and fellowship.

The components of the group in general, follow its leaders. When they are in groups, the individuals start to have the same attitudes, the same vision on the things, this can be positive, when through the convivncia with the other integrant ones, if a healthful relationship awakes, and having emotional support through the experiences lived for excessively. On the other hand, positive aspects are not only ranks. The adolescent for times would not have capacity to make something was alone, but when in group it would be capable to make to only be accepted for the same, and this capacity to make something that would not make, can well not be seen. Lacerda (1998, P. 50) exemplifica this, displaying behaviors related with: ' ' … accesses of hatred, gestures of brutality, attitudes of cruel disrespect stops with the people, absence of responsibility for proper atos' '. Lacerda (1998) still displays that the group exerts much influence on the adolescent for the fact of the members the same to have gostos in common.

Posted by: | Posted on: January 10, 2020


The difficulties in the social interaction can disclose comuma inapropriao of the behavior and of the manifestations of affection, an isolation, a esquiva of the visual contact, a complete lack of interaction with the other, affective umaindiferena and a lack of social empatia, thus describe Gadia eTuchman (2004). Riots of the mood and the affection are common in the syndrome doautismo, if they reveal through crises of laughs or aparentementedesmotivados choros, lack of danger perception or exaggerated fear, ansiedadegeneralizada and little or no emotional reaction. These difficulties incluemhiperatividade, aggressiveness, carelessness and behavior of automutilao, to einterferem very in the interaction of the autistas children inside of the family, daescola, of the community. The language riots occur in different degrees, some children do not develop no ability of verbal communication, others have an immature communication characterized by jargon, ecolalias, monotonous tune etc. The autistas children present repetitive and estereotipados standards decomportamento related to the strong resistance amudanas, extreme attachment the routine and objects and allure for movimentoscirculares. According to Assuno and Pimentel (2000), the prevalence dasndrome of the autismo is four times bigger in boys of what in girls. Suaepidemiologia corresponds the 1 approximately the 5 cases in each 10.000crianas, in a ratio of 2 the 3 men for 1 woman. Great linking between autismo and mental deficiency exists, a time that about 70-86% of the autistas is deficient mental. Suadiferenciao of the pictures of mental deficiency is complicated, many times realizada through the presence or not, of qualitative comprometimento nodesenvolvimento of the social interactions and in the comunicacionais abilities that, in the mental deficiencies, when exactly present, not it is the maisimportante characteristic as in the autismo. In first place, it is basic that a diagnsticodiferencial is made enters the syndrome of the classic autismo as described Kanner, deoutras syndromes as, for example, the syndrome of Asperger and the syndrome deRett, that they bring autsticas guidelines in its pictures, and of an episode autsticoque can come to affect a citizen.

Posted by: | Posted on: July 9, 2014

Proximal Development

In this way the construtivismo standes out that action of the citizen in the process of cognitivo development, that is, everything is reflected of the actions that if reveal in coherent and logical operations of the thought, since, they possess some factors that contribute such as, the maturation, the social experience with the physical world, experiences and equilibrao (auto-regulation). For PIAGET the individual learns with the interaction with the other, detaching the interaction between partners and the maturation, therefore it is ahead of the interaction that the individual develops its intelligence and if it appropriates of knowledge of its social inheritance, that is, in accordance with the way where it lives it develops new perceptions and it interacts learning. In the episode of interaction between children, it has a confrontation and perspectives of clutter in the resolution of a problem. That is, this conflict implies in a process of cognitiva reorganization of the individual. In the case it is a process of understanding and later desestrutura to transform into another one hypothesis.

For VYGOTSKY (1978) the culture is a constituent element of the development of the human being, that is, its development if relates to the way and the interaction of the culture that it lives deeply, the same attributes the social interaction as a constituent paper to construct superior knowledge, thus a child whom it does not possess interaction with more demanding cognitivas structures hardly will go to develop such abilities. In this case VYGOTSKY if relates to the Zone of Proximal Development; as in the distance the level of current development enters, determined for the done solution of problems individually, and Potential Level of Development; defined as the solution of problems with adult orientation or contribution of capable partners. That is, the learning consists of the internalizao of the process of social interchange. However the Psychology of the development involves studies of affective, cognitivas, social and biological 0 variable all in the period of the life of the individual. Some consideraes they had been made on the organic maturation of the individual, and its genetic bases (the internal 0 variable), to another influence of the environment (the way where it lives). Search to understand the diverse interactions that occur and as if of the o human development.

Posted by: | Posted on: March 11, 2014

Existential Psychotherapy

Also the existencial psycotherapy is not made use to treat any nobody much less to affirm itself as ' ' promise to calm inherent malaise to the citizen through the elimination of sintoma' ' . Paraphrasing Alberti and Figueiredo to if relating to the objectives of the psychoanalysis also we affirm that the practical existencial equally does not aim at to eliminate the anguish of the citizen, therefore is from it that the being has the possibility to attribute to a direction its life. The existencial psycotherapy, in the same way, does not promise to waste the malaise, it does not promise to no good and yes a differentiated way of positioning it subject front to its (said) malaise. Still when the classic psychoanalysts say that she does not have in the psychoanalysis the exclusive objective to cure the citizen of its symptom, make a fool and improper reduction of the psycotherapy (any psycotherapy, exactly the mannering one) because the psycotherapies in general are not dedicated only to cure symptoms. when they admit that certainly he has therapeutical effect in the psychoanalysis that ' ' they independem of the ideals of the analyst, but its attainment if of the one in reason of that to speak makes bem' ' , they mention themselves accurately what he makes the psycotherapy existencial.

The psychoanalysis says – in the same way that the existencial psycotherapy – that the psychosis has a proper logic, that is one of the forms of the citizen if to point out in the world, a specific way of constitution and functioning of a citizen. If the psychoanalysts if to dedicate to more read on the fenomenolgica psicopatologia if summer less distant of the psycotherapy. probably will be more frustrate, however less vain people. An ingenuous, infantile, deriving vanity of the study lack. Thus, we find diverse similarities between the practical psicanaltica and the practical psicoterpica, even so the speech of the classic analysis tries to impose itself as one to know to the edge of the interest of the patient in behavior changes.

Posted by: | Posted on: December 31, 2013

Transforming in the Atlantic

Transforming the nature, we search to guarantee our adaptation our survival. Today, however, we perceive a grandeexacerbao of the creation. We start to create things that in are not necessary epara this the nature have been sacrificed of rude form and without modesties they quefizeram (it with 93% of Atlantic Mata that do not exist more). We create umainfinidade of illnesses and later we were to search the remedies to treat them.

Criamosindivduos kept out of society that returns for ‘ ‘ to make right the accounts with sociedade’ ‘ plus a infinity of things which really we did not need. The man, definitively became insane. We lose our particularitities (those that nosdiferenciam of the said animals irrationals) and only start to be umneurtico between as much, we start to be the gears of the machines manufacter quemovem (impious) the capitalism. Desumanizamos us e, finally, in ‘ ‘ coisificamos’ ‘. Vidanunca so was devaluated. You impress yourself with the fact of, each vezmais, the parents to embed its children on the contrary of the opposite? He impresses yourself eats banalizao of the violence, the lack of love to next and itself exactly? Muitaspessoas answers that and this is not still more amazing. Many religions atatribuem this to ‘ ‘ forces of mal’ ‘ , but I find that, when making this, estamossubestimando the capacity human being. It is very sad to admit that some indivduospossam if to become these empty and unscrupulous machines, but we have that to make it.

Oshomens, unhappyly, had left of side its more acute, deep feelings the truth is that today if it loves (or at least, is respected) much less would queseria of it necessary to live itself well. We do not value more ‘ ‘ pequenos’ ‘ encantosque in them is total available in day-by-day. We do not know in them, we nosabemos nor we search to know what we feel nor what the others feel, we noobservamos the life that happens in all place. Not we remember ingenuidadeque more than we possessed in tenra infancy perhaps and this explains the craze of perseguioque many of us tries. Ahead of this sad painting that if discloses to each day it is inevitable to questionnaires on until when we will support this reigning chaos. Some, comoPatch Adams, for example, say that not even we will resist until prximosculo. It will be? It is possible that let us have this reply soon. However, we need in them to put into motion, since we create as many things until here we must, nomnimo, to create new ideas and to place them in practical in the attempt of that nadatenha been in they go. Nopodemos to allow that let us become in them barren of new ideas.

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