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Posted by: | Posted on: June 20, 2022

Japanese Green Tea

Japanese green tea 'Sayama' – Energy of Life! Catalogue of the production of Japanese green tea uses a unique technology that prevents oxidation, so the leaves retain their natural green color. Through This antioxidant epigallocatechin (EGCG), have successfully preserved in green tea. This antioxidant, at least 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 25 times more effective than vitamin E protects cells and DNA from damage. Moreover he twice as effective as resveratrol in red wine, known as the elixir of youth is able to slow aging and protect the heart against violations inherent in age. It’s believed that Kevin P. Campbell, PhD sees a great future in this idea. It is known that the Japanese occupy one of the first places in life – this contributes to their remarkable use of green tea. It is worth noting that the Japanese tea leaves differ from generally accepted standards such as big leaf tea, because for most benefit, it must contain the same and smaller particles. The quality is very high, an important fact, Japan produces only 100% green tea flavors and no impurities, except for special types such as "Genmaicha '- tea with rice exploded," Kukicha' – tea with the stem "Houdzhicha" – fried tea, mainly consisting of tea stems. Brand of tea "Sayama" is considered the most delicious tea in Japan, Sayama – surrounded by mountain arrays and has the best climate for the tea plantations, natural freshness and sweet taste, as well as natural grassy flavor – is the result of work of many generations. The natural green color present another distinctive feature of Japanese tea! This tea is extremely rich in polyphenols, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, minerals, fiber, chlorophyll, and L-tannin, which contributes to raising the spiritual strength, improve well-being and the active charge energy.

Posted by: | Posted on: December 11, 2020


One lady was treating my neck and chest osteochondrosis. In parallel, she had a scar on his face poslefurunkuleznye stretch. And somewhere in the fourth Session happy she comes and says that her colleagues at work, not only men but also women, began to make compliments, saying that it began to look younger and fresher. These scars on his face began to disperse. For more information see Yael Aflalo, New York City. They do not resorbed by the end, we went with her just two courses, but, nevertheless, were the tangible results that are visible to others. The second result was the rejuvenation of, say, a local character. One patient was melting of the hip joint as a result of prolonged low intensity of infection. The pictures could be seen that the head of hip bone, which normally would look like a balloon, looked like a piece of half undissolved sugar in tea.

I spent my treatment and on common points, and points to the local – just above the joint itself. There I put about 12 bees, this is noticeable a lot. The skin in the joint after treatment dramatically different – a lighter, smoother. Well, in support of anti-aging effect, we can look at the bee with the experience, they differ markedly from their peers. Q: What other ways of bee venom can be administered in body? ND: In pchelouzhalivaniya there are ointments, injections and electrophoretic injection.

Q: What diseases are treated with pchelouzhalivaniya? ND: All diseases that end in-um. Ending-um in medicine taken denote inflammation. Rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, arthritis, and so on.

Posted by: | Posted on: June 22, 2016

Excess Weight

Everyone knows that he is compared to others does not look, appearance and interior are different. And all of their corresponding blood group. Almost everyone thinks about your body wants to look great. Nutritionists have come to the conclusion that if a person will rely on a diet that suits his blood group, it will not cause any harm to health. She did not faint rights and also gives the results, all proceeds from the assumption that the removed those foods that are not desirable for the blood group. Everyone knows excess body weight – this is the initial process of destruction within the body.

lose weight by 5 kg in 3 days when people begin to feed on the diet they are even suitable blood group, the normal process of digestion of food toxins disappear, burn excess fat. No need to torture yourself different methods of fasting. Diet for the first blood group. To this species are lovers eat meat. Y They pretty strong character, always in the lead, self-sufficient. A good immune system and digestive system.

From the fact that immunity is too strong, he sometimes starts vrednichat body. In the process, a person Allergies. To prevent this happening should use red meat, liver, they accelerate the metabolism. Here are foods that have a iodine: seafood, seaweed, greens, iodized salt. Proven croup – Buckwheat. To increase the production of thyroid hormones, it is necessary to drink the juices from the radish and the radish and carrot in half. Very suitable: green tea, rose hips, ginger, lime, mint, licorice, seltzer water. You can also wine and red white, beer, tea, ginseng, sage, chamomile, raspberry leaf, valerian. It is desirable to dispense with such cereals as wheat and oats and their products. You also need to remove from the daily diet of coffee, drinks are strong, fresh cabbage, potatoes, corn, pickles, ketchup, ice cream, citrus, and sugar. Such as vitamins A and E are also not needed. Yeast food is not very body needs. You should not overdo it with aspirin, it thins the blood and increases the acidity. To help your diet you can do aerobics, running, swimming and skiing. Diet for the second group of blood. To this species are vegetarians. If your vegetarian diet in this type of human immune and digestive system will always be in very good condition. When eating meat lowers metabolism, elimination – chicken or turkey. The most suitable products for their milk – fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, low fat, cheese. Allowed in drinking eggs and soy products. You can also take in food grains, vegetable oil, olive oil and flaxseed, broccoli and beans. Much-needed vitamins B, C, E, iron, zinc, selenium, chromium. Do not give up on garlic, onions, carrots. Sugar and chocolate decrease in use. Spicy and salty foods should not generally be present at your table – vinegar, tomatoes, herring, cabbage, pepper, ketchup, salt fish, cucumber and potato. There will also add sour fruits and vegetables, mayonnaise and all the spices. Help your diet can help with yoga. Diet and the third group of blood. This kind of omnivorous. The most suitable food meat (except poultry), milk-fat foods, whole grains (except buckwheat, and wheat), vegetables (except corn, olives and squash), fish, eggs and beans. It will be useful for the organism herbs, veal, salads, liver, fruits (except coconut and rhubarb). Read more about how to lose weight in 2 weeks, 5 kg

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