Caribbean Sea

Posted by: | Posted on: May 29, 2022

It is the greatest island of Mexico, Mexican heart and Caribbean soul; a true paradise for the lovers of the nature and the vacations in peace surroundings and tranquillity. It has 70.000 inhabitants who offer the calidez and cordiality to him characteristic of the town of Mexico. I want to begin saying that this tourist destiny can be considered like a matchless place, magical and wonderful. It is an island nailed within the framework of the Caribbean Sea, that is considered one of most beautiful of the world. It is possible to be perceived, by far taste, that in spite of being a very old tourist destiny, has conserved the colorful thing of the small towns of Mexico, as well as its traditions.

Until it makes few years, this beautiful island had been classified as a solely recommendable destiny for the diving, activity that is still of most important, but than is not the unique one. Many others exist that have been implemented, to diversify this multifactico destiny. We could divide them in: aquatic, cultural and ecotursticas. Between aquatic activities are, obvious, the diving, esnrquel, kayak, kitesurf, and the new modality of the Snuba, among others. It emphasizes the diving because Cozumel lodges in its transparent waters blue turkish, to the second greater system of reefs at world-wide level, the Reef Maya or Mesoamericano, that counts on a great diversity of flora and multicoloured marine fauna, that cause that this sport becomes a true delight for those who likes of him. It is for that reason that divers of all parts of the world come to the island in search of spectacular experiences. In the cultural scope, Cozumel also counts on a great number of attractions, such as the Museum of the Island, where it will find historical and geographic information on this nsula; or San Gervasio, who is the main archaeological site in Cozumel, where the Mayans rendered tribute to Ixchel, the goddess of the love and the fertility.

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