April, 2018
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Hippocrates Weeds
Take, for example, such familiar dandelion. In our country, its about 208 species. The most famous – is dandelion. It contains choline, aspargin, saponins, carotenoids, organic acids, vitamins and other nutrients. In many countries, this weed is cultivated (such as specially grown in France).
Dandelion is rich in trace elements: iron, phosphorus and calcium. Leaves, buds, roots – irreplaceable additive to your normal diet. Dandelion leaves slightly gorchat, but this should take it easy (same bitter lemon) – give the bitterness of dandelion glycosides, substances that are useful for the organism. We recommend its use for cooking pohlebok. Leaves and yellow blossoms (to release the middle of the green leafy rim) – rinse.
Next, finely chop and use as a seasoning in cooked dishes. On nettles written entire volumes. Laudatory words devote Hippocrates, Avicenna, and in our days by Academician aa Pokrovsky, Professor K. S. Petrovsky. Back in the old Slavs used nettles, and its seeds for making bread. Why is this weed that accompanies a person anywhere where once he settles down, draws the attention of scientists? First, the nettle is unique in content useful for the organism of substances – vitamins, tannins, minerals, coarse fibers. It appears in early spring plate of fresh, untouched. Here are some recommendations for the use of nettles in the diet. Better to cut the nettles with gloves: 10 – 20 minutes after it is cut, it can take your hands (it does not sting). Nettles thoroughly washed and finely chopped with leaves and stems. This mixture is irreplaceable as a seasoning to any dish.
Early spring in the garden on the plot sea of greenery, flowers, vegetables and fruits. And around inconspicuous weeds: Plantago, quinoa, cow parsnip, goutweed and others. It is they who have saved many years ago from starvation, millions of people. Burdock, borage herb, rape, chicory and other common weeds – a free, useful supplement to the table. Why do the weeds were outcasts in our diet? Plantago major. Plantain leaves contain mucus, bitter substance, carotene, vitamins C and K. A lot in plantain tannins, fiber, protopectin. Plantain is indispensable for cooking salads (washed leaves, finely chopped and mixed with sour cream). It can be used as a lining for sandwiches: the washed plantain leaf spread a thin layer of cream and garnish with a slice of beet or berry. Who has not noticed on wasteland, wastelands, the abandoned areas swans? Her golden spikes and elastic proudly rustling in the wind. Peasants baked bread with the addition of quinoa. Her pot (dried, salted). Quinoa was irreplaceable early spring when other plants can not be used as food. Peasants have long noticed that the lush weeds appears when not freak rye. Quinoa contains many vitamins (especially vitamin C), it has fitotsidnym powerful effect. Quinoa can be used from early spring until late autumn. Here’s one recommendation. Quinoa go, wash, chop and mix with jam, marmalade. In such a mixture is recommended to add the lemon acid and serve with tea. Edible wild plants, leaves, root vegetables combine well with any food, especially dairy.