July, 2021

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Posted by: | Posted on: July 21, 2021


Visible God, peace of the invisible, his word in silence understand it if elected to the Kingdom we know, joy of silence silence eloquent and powerful sonnet as you divine boat aground, is God himself to saying what is silent if you hear it, see it wonderful. Silence is a dream venturoso how splendid Sun which erupts in thee, O is the infinite night that VI on your skin and in your glorious being. The silence that you fear if you hurts, double-edged sword you serene and achieves you heal because you want to. Silence is God himself who does not die, you cherish and glad the good soul and fills you with peace and grace filled. Inspired by her nature voice sonnet inspiration Sun and rain that everyone belongs and in the fields of the world creates green, a poem is creation of beauty.

Supreme truth of such prowess be poet, eyes flower deserves to wind the star that flourishes, Superior to fame and wealth. A poem is the universe and the universe is a poem. Silence is all, throughout a verse. Fire and light in the soul, not burn us quiet inspiration, smooth silence with his tongue on the skin, the Supreme voice! Beauty eloquent poets and lovers of poetry, our nostalgia is vacuum the hope of our Sonnet mountain silence of fullness is Elegy not debris from ruins mildew, Nostalgia of sonnet suffering becomes Ode of joy. Mountain of silence my soul there in my intimacy Rejuvenates the art of living never perish, beauty is divine poetry. Mountains of resounding silence me always speaks of it as a secret, silence is eloquent and eternal. Mountains of transparent silence the ODE and the Elegy that I respect, silhouette drawn in a sonnet! God our prayer sonnet when talked with God we can not imagine, grace in prayer, makes present in the soul of the believer without a doubt, if spirit of faith profess you.

Posted by: | Posted on: July 18, 2021

The Absence

To tell the truth, to reassure me, generate me some grief. And it is that when I try selfishly bring me closer to you, I stop with your spines; I accept you natural and wise decision. And not by a person be conformist, but because besides that I must accept and understand fully your decision, I confess it with all my love, just look at you me is enough. From today the beautiful Sunrise ritual will be more rewarding and enjoyable. The contemplative life is more stimulating and relaxing. From this moment I will think about that when you converse with you it will be as if the birds sing. That wonderful sound, that heavenly music! Do you realize the magic that holds all this? Magic spell, enchantment, wonder, charm, grace, magnet, no, I can not even with all synonyms and all possible and impossible words describe what happened to me. Hear other arguments on the topic with Jessica Pels.

It is as if in a fit of madness I espinara and emptied all of my blood as a symbolic act of trying to tell you what you represent to me. Even when you vaciare whole blood and died, you would need to die again. So unattainable and even impossible is my desire to describe what they represent to me. Finally, the absence of words, I decided not to write this article today. I give these blank sheets. I have no words that point. I just to look at yourself and be immensely happy.

I could reflect a subtle smile on my face. By the way, say that smile they make one think and feel younger. Just in case I’m gonna get a rejuvenating cream that is called zest for life. Let’s see if I go so young.

Posted by: | Posted on: July 16, 2021

And Jesus

This can only be done by God. And Jesus is God. It is the same God made flesh. John 1 reads: in the beginning was the word and the word was with God, and the word was God. She was in the beginning with God. Everything was made by her and without her did nothing of what exists.

She was life and the life was the light of men, and the light shineth in darkness, and darkness cannot beat it and the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we have referred to his glory, glory that you receive from the father as a son unique, full of grace and truth. Jesus is the same Lord or Jahveh, the same Dios de Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses. When God appeared to Moses in the form of fire in the middle of the Bush burning which was not consumed had this dialogue: answered Moses to God:?If I go to the Israelites and say to them: El Dios of your fathers has sent me to you; When I ask: what is his? name?, what will respond them?? Does God said to Moses:?I am who am.? And added:?Do thus you shall say to the Israelites: I am has sent me to you.? Do followed God telling Moses:?Thus you shall say to the Israelites: Yahweh, the God of your fathers, the Dios de Abraham, the God of Isaac and the Dios de Jacob, has sent me to you in the Gospels we find Jesus himself saying the same God I am or I am Jehovah (or Jahveh), through his very strong phrases that made it clear that the is the Christ, the Messiah, the Lord and our God, the great I am, and that were very well understood at the time. In addition, was protagonist of the most portentous proof of his eternal deity: his resurrection! In the beautiful dialogue with the Samaritan woman she says: I know that it will come the Messiah, the so-called Christ.

Posted by: | Posted on: July 15, 2021

Ramon Gallegos

Doubt who are the reality and believe that they are not lit are beliefs that function as a veil hiding the truth. Spiritual awakening also discovers this deception, understand that beliefs are ignorance ending completely with them; to dispel such false belief is equanimity as the correct spiritual attitude. Spiritual awakening means awakening to genuine happiness as our true nature as the true natural state. Jessica Pels wanted to know more. There is no happy one, only there is happiness; happiness as a genuine reality, without cause, this happiness is perfect peace, seriousness and grace. Lighting is to discover who you are, is not something that is missing and that obtained from somewhere, it is not nor fill gaps because the spirit is full and does not lack anything, nor is it of growth because the truth is immutable. Lighting is the awakening of the consciousness to his own happiness, which always shines in its own perfection. Actually, ask above how to achieve enlightenment is something strange, is like asking about how get something that already has, but is not aware of this, the only thing that is required is awareness and leave the deception, but nothing to achieve. The knowledge of being and of the mental world and empirical are different, insofar as these are object of knowledge, being is subject of knowledge, requiring this understanding of how knowledge of the being is carried out. For this purpose it is possible to identify three devices of the consciousness to the knowledge of the truth which also produce three different experiences, being those three, the eye of the flesh, the eye of reason and the eye of contemplation and through which we acquire access to the transcendent reality of being. Ramon Gallegos pointed out that our true nature is happiness all yearn for even longer taking it we think that we have lost it, making us believe that we are not happy, or illuminated, destroy those beliefs and find the nectar of happiness.

Posted by: | Posted on: July 11, 2021

Pedro Knowledge

With Him to feel us one and by Him to make us in our vocation and election of being firm Christian. Illuminated by the person of the Spirit of God. A mouthful of love, a glad sigh, an adorned dress of grace, a song of the soul been thankful for by as much indescribable light. We are then, contributor of the divine nature, fellow citizens of the eternal Kingdom of the Creator. We sing loosen all old anchor, all worn away mooring cable. In its marks, ready and outside Outside this the life, people, the ready and fertile land to go to them to seed.

The houses of the country then will not be the same, He would paint celestial blue color. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Jessica Pels. It would bathe them with its light. All we will make our part, God will make us follow its aroma flowers dry Wood and the fruits will see the so awaited miracle would be shown for the first time in the face of people. And it is that the life without Christ is not equal. It to me does not shame to have the one to admit.

My common sense has turned, on rock that me blanket of all the invier to us. Virtue is the today street, by my steps scratched Knowledge and own dominion has surrounded to me in this confession. And that knows the men to it of this world. That they know that God is greater than they and by all means, greater than I. That the fruit sees, that our agenda takes present to speak to others of the greatnesses of its love. 2 Pedro 1:3 – 10 Like all the things that belong to the life and to the mercy they have been given us by his divine one to be able, by means of the knowledge of whom it called by his glory excellence, by means of which it has given precious and grandsimas promises us, so that by them you got to be participant from the divine nature, having fled from the corruption that there is in world a cause of the concupiscencia; you also, putting all diligence by this same one, add to your faith virtue; to the virtue, knowledge; to the knowledge, own dominion; to the own dominion, patience; to the patience, mercy; to the mercy, brotherly affection; and to the brotherly affection, love. Because if these things are in you, and abound, they will not let to you be idle nor without fruit as far as the knowledge of our Mr. Jesus Christ. But the one that does not have these things has the very short view; he is blind, having forgotten the purification his old sins. Thus, brothers, so much more you try to make your vocation and election firm; because making these things, you will never fall. Original author and source of the article.

Posted by: | Posted on: July 8, 2021

Holy Spirit

The Bible tells us: the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen. 2 Corinthians 13: 14 the grace of the Lord, which opens the entrance to the Kingdom of God, is she qualified to take part with the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit. Every Christian has the duty and the legal right to have a friendship with the Holy Spirit by the blood spilled in the new Covenant (Haggai 2: 5). However, only reaching it those who seek it, crave it, ask for it and enjoy daily. It is necessary to make feel good to the Holy Spirit, liked and pleased. In addition, talk with, taking it into account for everything, follow his lead and treat it as a person.

You treat the Holy Spirit as a person? Or do so only as a power? Who is the Holy Spirit for you? That is the question. The Bible says: came the spirit of God upon Azariah son of Obed, and went out to meet Asa, and said unto him: listen to me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin: Jehovah shall be with you, if ye may be upon him; and if you buscareis him, he will be found of you; more if you decrease him, he also will you. 2 Chronicles 15: 1, 2 some Christians do not enjoy an intimate communion with the spirit because they do not seek it, despite the fact that the Lord is always with them, do not know (Jeremiah 4: 22). Example: Two people who live in the same House but which are not known nor has communion. 2.3 Having more faith is to believe, is the true faith: confidence together with righteous deeds. And Scripture that says was fulfilled: Abraham believed God, and It was told by Justice, and he was called the friend of God. Santiago 2:23 because the Lord despises to the perverse; But their intimate communion is with the righteous. Jessica Pels insists that this is the case.

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