October, 2021

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Posted by: | Posted on: October 24, 2021

The Scientific

Adds us p. By the same author: Peter Rose. Krishna, which is this unbalanced development of the individual responsible for all the problems that we are facing today. As people oriented to education we must accept that when we impart knowledge also is our responsibility impart wisdom to use it correctly. Our present education has not paid attention seriously to this responsibility. What to do in this regard? She asked Krishna? What kind of mind we should sign up to produce? What values must try to instill?. Since then, points out that the recipe would not be identical for all countries and different cultures, but that they must conform to its own way and taking into consideration general way some signs that exhibits, among them: create a mind which is both scientific as religious in the true sense; Cultivate cooperation, not competition; Emphasize the personal, not only the economic development; Stimulate the doubt, the noncompliance; Create a mind learning instead of a mind that acquires; the art of living; among others. Personally it is important to highlight two of them that deserve to be exposed by its scope, what represents, as they are: create a mind that is both scientific and religious in the true sense. In this regard discuss us, that unfortunately, we have divided the scientific search of the religious quest for humanity and concentrated only on the previous educational process.

Indeed, it’s two supplementary searches, a discovery order that manifests itself in the external world of matter, energy, space and time, and the other to discover (peace, harmony, virtue) order in the inner world of our consciousness. But mistakenly have equated the belief religion have created an antagonism between science and religion. Really both are searching for the truth in two complementary aspects of the same reality composed both matter and consciousness. A mind that is purely rational, scientific, intellectual, can be extremely cruel and devoid of love and compassion.

Posted by: | Posted on: October 23, 2021

Wolfgang Bergmann

Fear then produces war, conflict and other forms of violence”(quote end). If it is as Sri Bhagavan wrote and it is indeed, because we have this consciousness, which is totally indisputable, then we must we undergo a change of consciousness and thus split in one see things. Ultimately, this would mean that is all a one. Maybe that’s the wrong words, but otherwise inconceivable. This split consciousness would be property to explain that permanently and continuously held since this big bang and the universe are drifting ever further apart can be split at all.

Can you return our awareness Division on this mysterious big bang, in which all could have started and is in front of this big bang the truth and enlightenment, which was lost by the cleavage of the big bang and consequently our original consciousness. Ultimately even these much-touted and been fanatically awaited by many apocalypse can be explained, most of the live religions, because she will destroy the direct existence and hence the universe, actually it is also so described. Dave Parker may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Perhaps this apocalypse is no damage at all, but a repair work to the big bang, so due to the drifting apart again a single shared, holistic consciousness and to make connection. They are hard, these thoughts and it leads to no result, however much logic in it is included. But sure, you must stop with the columns in our reality, because it brings no further, but only helps out one core drifting and creates new fears.

Anger and wars. A large meeting is what needs the current present, humanity and our world of the spirit, reason and intelligence expertise. A global solution to all problems should be sought, a new world order and world in democracy and peace for all. Perhaps there is also woodwork awareness. An approach under (download). Wolfgang Bergmann

Posted by: | Posted on: October 11, 2021

Young Professionals

A study in the current conditions would need to be lifelong. Hear from experts in the field like Fred Lynn for a more varied view. – It is obvious that the education system can be perfect, but if Young Professionals for some professions more than required by the labor market, someone will be left without work and would be forced to learn another profession. – Certainly, the lack of guidelines on the number and structure required personnel in the future for the next few years is another serious problem. This leads to the formation of distortions in the labor market – oversupply of specialists in certain areas. In the economy of Primorye demand for specialists with higher education does not increase.

In Moscow and St. Learn more at this site: Larry Fine. Petersburg, in some other regions of Russia – the opposite situation. Primorsky Krai is the migration losses. In addition to other leaves capable, educated, promising young people. Dave Parker shines more light on the discussion. And our graduates are in demand outside the Primorye region, employed in the specialty, many are building a successful career, and this suggests that level of training in coastal region universities is quite high. – And yet you can call the industry, which requires graduates and young professionals with higher education? – Here we can mention communication, banking, insurance, consulting, audit and investment scope.

Increasingly growing demand for engineering professionals. With the development of market relations and competition inevitably increases the value of education and social training of the employee. World and domestic experience confirms a steady trend of growth duration of training for youth and more recent entry into active labor activities. At the same time changing demands of employers and the workforce. Businessmen from the tactics of refusing to get immediate profits and move to long-term strategy for sustainable income generation in competitive environment. They understand that in the future the company will need to increase the number of young and promising employees. The price of labor, especially professionally trained, will be only grow. It is therefore evident that the level of youth employment will depend on the overall situation in the labor market. – This situation can somehow be managed? – An increasing need to find a mechanism for integration and coordination of the interests of educational institutions and employers – the social partnership. One of the key areas of the university should be to create a legal framework, developing effective relationship between education and the labor market, creation of systematic employment of graduates, resume database in Vladivostok. Of particular importance is the development of forecasting the development of higher and secondary professional education at the regional level and future needs of the labor market. Forecasting technique should best reflect actual conditions, a program of higher education should unfold in accordance with the perspective of socio-economic development and to ensure staff capacity to implement reforms in priority areas of the region.

Posted by: | Posted on: October 7, 2021

Valentine Peppers

Well, or wait for her translation. Internet resources for naming if the books on naming in Russia, things are tight, that the Internet offers a great variety. If desired, the network can "dig up" a lot of interesting material on naming. The main problem is that sites and portals often replicate each other's articles, result, they simply repeat themselves, so much so that the source is difficult to determine in general. But most importantly – information about the naming is, and it is readily available. The most interesting and informative resource – encnaming.ru – Encyclopedia Naming. Here you can find lots of useful articles, laws, news in this area.

On our site You can also find articles about the naming, as well as analytical information on naming. Site Brandmarket you will find many articles on branding and naming, as well as reviews of books on the subject. Naming the site entirely devoted to naming and offers a good selection of material on the subject. Retail – Library this resource offers a wealth of materials on a variety of topics, including – branding and naming. – personal site of a famous marketer Valentine Peppers, where you can "profit" articles on branding and naming.

Also be useful to go to blog about naming, which supports the company BrandAid news companies, including a newly developed product names, renaming, rebranding daily published on the portal Sostav By naming has a direct bearing Site , which can produce fonosemantichesky analysis of every word (eg, name, title) – that is, a sound analysis of its effects on humans. As a result of the analysis you get a set of values that characterize word in terms of sound perception. However, one must understand that fonosemantichesky analysis provides a description of one-sided and ignores such important factors as the meaning of the word and its associated individual associations. Therefore, based on naming fonosemanticheskom analysis is not necessary, it can only provide further food for thought. All future suggests that the interest in naming in Russia is growing steadily. The market appears more and more Companies who require naming and ready to invest in the development finance titles – for yourself or your product. Increases and the number of organizations offering professional naming. All this creates fertile ground for research into the naming, appearance is not only literate articles, but also full of educational materials, adapted to the Russian reality. Naming grows and develops.

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