November, 2023

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Posted by: | Posted on: November 16, 2023

Russian Comunism Professor

Lamentably, when a national society is contaminated by the egoism, the abuse, the disturbed individualism, the greed and political or politiquera lack of culture (etc.), these dreams or innocent illusions only are like pavesa that the wind scatters at random. In some occasion like student of the fifth year of laws in the UNL when it approved languages I listened the professor of the matter and a systems engineer, Russians both, to discuss on subjects than had been the Russian Comunism (already, then, in the era of perestroika). The second, years smaller to first, it gestured with competing fervor against everything what the political ex–system remembered to him, and in that visceral speech ended up saying, that the worse thing of this was that the Russian State had to maintain to an enormous amount of ” desocupados” while the profesionales left the back developing to the country. The professor of languages only hit upon to listen, with the calm and mature gesture, soon to assert a forceful answer. And you Igor, from which family you come? The second was only silent and gave return to move away more angry than at the beginning of the dialogue. Possibly, between the dreams or infantile illusions of shared in common character towards its resemblances and the modern socialist system – also denominated, and erroneously, Communist greater difference in the intention does not exist and, although the distances are abysmal, is necessary to stress that the greater difference and existential crudity between these and Capitalism, is infinitesimally overwhelming..

Posted by: | Posted on: November 16, 2023

Internet Consultants

For several years, Internet Consultants help people shop choose the right orthopedic mattress. Agree that, while not up to date technology, and not knowing the specifics of those materials that use the manufacturers, to select the most proper mattress is not easy. Dean Ornish M.D usually is spot on. The company's management makes no secret that today Shop is one of the leading retailers in sales. "Mattresses, an integral part of good sleep, "- says Yaroslav store consultant. "We see a clear trend of growth in demand for the products we offer. People are increasingly focused on the proper rest and healthy of life. " Does the price on the quality of the mattress? – "There is always an expensive mattress means that it is good. Quality will be at a height, but he can not come up to the buyer, because of its physiological characteristics. For example, a very soft mattress pose to people with abnormalities of the spine, etc. My primary goal as a consultant to understand the problem the client and direct it to the proposed set, make the right choice and buy a mattress. "

Posted by: | Posted on: November 15, 2023

European UNION

After a general strike and down pants of the trade union confederations, the workers who have paid contributions 38.5 years across they may receive a full retirement at age 65, the rest must wait until age of 67 and had made at least 37 years for a pension integrates. The main objective of the governing party has been fulfilled and Spaniards freeze us pensions and increase us retirement age to 67 years. However this reform has an infinite number of shades, and applied in a gradual manner in transitional periods of 14 years. IE has been accepted that the retirement age be increased in two years, but a progressively between the years 2013 and 2027, at a rate of month and half more per year, on average: for example in 2018 the retirement age is will have reached 65 years and 6 months, and so on until the 2027 has reached the age of 67. The minimum number of years of contributions also have been amended: to access a contributory pension will happen of the 15 current years minimum to quote 25 years minimum, but this reform also be applied progressively. f the situation. The extension of the minimum contribution period will begin in 2013 and each passing year be increased until the 2022: for example, to December 31, 2013, the minimum contribution period will be 16 years, to December 31, 2014, will be 17 years and asi etc. All these reforms be undertaken gradually, in order to adapt the current system to the new rules.

This suppose that Panini 2027 there will be many cases that differ on the retirement age because the stories of each are varied and periods of unemployment that is not quoted are different in each person. In fact you will have in mind the weeks listed companies to make it more accurate the calculation. In reality, the retired population will be between an approved minimum 63 years old and 67 years. They will have to work a noo more cuplir up to 67 years of age and the 37 of quote minimum if it is that one wants to collect 100% of the benefit. ** The age minimum of retirement will go from 61 to 63 years, but with the modification before the worker should be unemployed to apply this right, it will now be more closely related to the will of the worker. To self-employed workers for the first time the right to early retirement in the same terms as the rest of the workers. ** The mothers and fellows may accredit up to 2 years of contributions, aspects that have been clavbes to come to an agreement with the Government.

** Each year who anticipate retirement before age 67 you will reduce the pension by 5% annually. ** By contrast the workers will receive a bonus of 3% annually (now of 2%) if they decide to voluntarily prolong their working life more than 67 years and up to a maximum of 70 years. To give you an idea of this Government that dicer be Socialist and worker. In Spain the Government invests in protection issues socil 2 l 20.9 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP), while the average of the European UNION, this in 27.5%, in France is of the 31.1% and in Sweden is 30.7% original author and source of the article.

Posted by: | Posted on: November 15, 2023


A charrette. A collaboration group, I like to think of this group as the team of experts which focused on your construction project. Professionals. One of the basic principles of sustainable design is a commitment to collaboration, respect for the knowledge and experience that each professional specialist brings to the Group about his work. If you are really interested in global sustainability, then this is absolutely the way to go. There is no way, with the complexity of sustainable design in the built environment, a professional individual architect, general contractor or homeowner only, you can be an expert in everything to do with a green building or remodeling work.

Green building is a systemic approach and a balance of all aspects of an energy efficient House, with healthy quality of indoor air, conservation of resources, really brings together the knowledge and experience of many professionals in a same work. Professionals and works. The value of the best decisions the money is well spent on a good planning of work, so end up not paying for the results of bad decisions along the way. It is always sad to see that the things that happen in the construction, could have been avoided. Even worse is believe that this can be one real waste so much time, money or resources.

And the worst thing is to see that things go wrong, systematically, because of bad decisions made by ignorance, or because there was not any professional that actually knew that a certain choice would have an impact on something else within the work. A team of professionals and experts from work look for a professional architect or designer, or a general contractor with whom you like to work in this way. They’ll know to tell the right people to your team. * Will include both professionals in the design and construction, specialists in the performance of work and functioning of the House. There may also be a professional consultant of Feng Shui, an interior designer, a designer of gardens, a specialist in lighting, depending on the needs, expectations and budget for the work. You are not the most valuable player on the team. This will work to your home and it has to be your sanctuary, your needs are the priority. Planning and budget of the work is sincere about their expectations for the team be able to give you information accurate, from the beginning, about whether their desires are in balance with your budget. Only the professional specialist knows the costs in your area, the best way to hit the target, defining expectations and know the actual costs of work. The focus of the team of professionals is not only the best way to achieve a true comprehensive work sustainable and green design, actually is a fun way of working, also. If everybody is committed from beginning to end, you can enjoy both the process and the result of authentic sustainable design and construction of an ecological work.

Posted by: | Posted on: November 15, 2023

Business Coaching Security

Employment security is the certainty that, whatever happens irrelevantemente the economic situation, we can find a job or generate the resources needed to keep us afloat. Job security is the certainty that we will keep our job though she is why we relinquish our needs and dreams. In the case where we simply have a job security, in times of crisis and unemployment, fear us invades, we stress us more, and although we are to occupy a job which is undermining us as human beings, we catch him without hope. The end result is often that we lose the clear vision of our goals, our individual needs and, finally, our self-esteem, and many times, the long-awaited job. Titles and training can help us to get a job but that will keep us as leaders is, in fact, our mental clarity and our attitude. In the first case, employment security provides us the peace of mind of knowing that we are ourselves that we direct our future. Therefore, the degree of involvement in achieving goals and objectives is greater and much more positive attitude. The options we see a problem increase. Problems and barriers diminish – still the same. The Business Coaching is the flashlight that lights up the darkest areas helping us see our real potential. Through a process of Coaching we managed to get the best out of ourselves, apply it to the work, renew ourselves and achieve a State of their own job security. These are the foundations that ensure a solid future. Georgina Barquin is the founder of Smartlife Coaching & Training and bilingual Executive Coach. It is Master and Bachelor of management (United Kingdom). It has more than 18 years in training to senior executives of multinational companies. Smartlife Audio program is a Coaching and training firm for executives and directors that offers all its services in both English and Spanish. Each of our training Coaching services and Workshops are adapted and personalized for each of our clients. Original author and source of the article.

Posted by: | Posted on: November 15, 2023

Natural Tacna

A crucial role in a minimalist interior has a window. It should let into the room as much light and air, visually creating the illusion of space. Hence the choice of curtains. If the landscape outside the window has, you can not use the inner tulle, and do light colored curtains on both sides of the window opening. If the window is still in need of more detailed design, you should use ascetic Roman blinds or curtains panels of muted tones. The color palette of shades in a minimalist style is represented in mostly white, gray, milky flavor. On the other hand, can present a contrasting tone, usually in the form of a large figure. Jane C Figueiredo has similar goals.

But we should remember that the figure will only fit into a simple – vertical and horizontal stripes, geometric shapes, flowers, executed in a primitive style – in short, everything that emphasize graphically and severe forms of curtains. Absolutely contraindicated in small intricate and colorful drawings, the abundance decorative details, and use accessories should be kept to a minimum (at it and minimalism). Professor Roy Taylor contributes greatly to this topic. Fabrics can be as natural and totally synthetic. Natural Tacna more likely to be relevant in the design Rooms in ECO-style – a form of minimalism, which focuses on natural materials. Caution should be used classic fabrics such as velours, velvets, shinil, plush, brocade, etc. They are little suited for ascetic interior in the style of minimalism. At first glance, the curtains in a minimalist style is extremely simple and concise, but behind that simplicity hides the outer expensive materials and the most professional and responsible approach designer. And only in this combination is obtained harmonious design windows that integrate the entire interior into a unified whole.

Minimalism – a way of life. Not for nothing in this style make out of their homes people are creative, original, self-sufficient. This style is bold radicals jaded boring luxury experiment. However, the minimalist can also be found in offices. Typically, companies that prefer a design interior, are the latest areas of activity, and wish to emphasize the dynamic of their own development and progressiveness.

Posted by: | Posted on: November 15, 2023

The Stars

They were a happy family. They had one day decided to go of vacation for Tunisia. As they did not have as to lead the son had left in the one in the country of them with familiar ones. They had made the luggages and had left the son in the house of these such familiar ones. They had said farewell themselves to the son and they had informed it for not behaving itself badly, etc? .

They had been for the airport and apanharam the airplane. The gone one for was wonderful there. They did not have much money therefore were probable that time had been 1 that they had walked of airplane! At the beginning they had had fear but later they had become accustomed themselves there! When the airplane arrived there they had been estupefactos! They had never seen something so beautiful as that! The vacations were of 1 week and half. They knew that they went to feel much lack of the son therefore was and first time that they had IDO of vacation without it, but had used to advantage to pass one days without those birras? They had visited everything how much they could, they had enjoyed of everything how much this week and stocking could during. When the vacations had finished they had been again for the airport to apanhar the airplane. They had that to be the 5:30 of the morning there and were because they felt much lack of the son and its land.

They had even entered in the airplane and of the half of the trip all good. They were to arrive when the airplane trembled. Professor Roy Taylor follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The people had been aflitas. But the pilot said that it was all good. Passed some time the airplane comes back to tremble more but with this time with much intensity. The people had been again aflitas. Of this time the pilot said to press more the security belts therefore would have that to make a landing of emergency. When making this landing had heard a sound type one of an explosion. The people had entered all in panic. They were the hostesses to say to keep the calm. But one lady seemed to be very calm. It turns over Mrs. and says: ' ' Mine lady because she is so calm? She did not finish to hear an explosion? ' ' Mrs. smiled and only said: ' ' Blessed either its son, who it grows and that she is a woman forte.' ' Suddenly she all has an explosion for the airplane. The airplane, practically, blows up all. Shouts, blood, burnings for all the part. They had not survived. You she was practically unbroken. But scratches you are welcome. The news for the son was an authentic shock. The girl called Rassa. It was to live with the maternal grandmothers. Of time in when it looked at for the stars and said: ' ' Grandmother you see? The star biggest is of the my Pope, teeniest is of my breast! They are to say me to it ol! Ol Popes! ' ' Sofia Martins

Posted by: | Posted on: November 15, 2023

Elementary Electronic Solfeggio

At the initial stage of musical training, the students and their parents often have problems with ear training. This is due to imperfections in methods of teaching the discipline. Solfeggio is a very important part of fully master any musical instrument. Get all the facts and insights with Newcastle University, another great source of information. If a child does not work out a correct idea of the first ear training lessons in music school, then I can assure you that in future it may become an obstacle for studies, especially when playing the instrument. You can not blame the difficulty of comprehension of children solfege teachers and inadequate teaching methods of the subject. The main reason that children have a very negative set of to sol-fa, consists in the fact that from the first lesson, the children do not sing. Then, as the main task of the subject and is able to afford child musical intonation, to understand the essence of music, namely understand for themselves its basic laws. Often in practice we see the talented children who are initially learning to master the game easily on the instrument, but superficially related to studies on solfege.

Less capable and "deprived talent" on the contrary diligently engaged solfedzhirovaniem and as a consequence of "outperform" their opponents conceited. This manual, which you can "download" link on and as its main aim to help children, their parents and teachers in the initial learning solfege. In the manual there are about hundreds of examples that can sing the notes, and then run music file for comparison. Electronic form of examples makes the process more fun and accessible to children. A child without the participation of adults can comprehend individual basis solfege. At the same site or a site You can "download" a lot of guidance on modern methods of initial musical training of children, using computer technology, as well as guidelines for setting up a piano and a few collections simplified score for children in electronic form, which lets you view a "beautiful", especially for children, notes with drawings, and while listening to tunes. With the development of materials by intends to develop a methodology for assessing e-sung, so the program will detect the difference in the frequencies sung and written material in the student notes. But that is another and more complicated in terms of programmirovaniya.Kak to work with the manual? You have successfully installed the toolkit on your computer, working with it is very simple and the most adapted for the maximum benefit operator with initial preparation work with the computer. From my experience the implementation of this guide in the learning process, we can say that even very young users cope well with it and even teach their teachers who do not have basic training to work with your computer. The program opens with a page containing information

Posted by: | Posted on: November 12, 2023

Wolf Achim Wiegand

“Good appearance was never more important than it is today” (Hamburg) – “a convincing public appearance for executives was never more important than it is today”, notes performance consultant Wolf Achim Wiegand (57). Because the interest by the press of interesting minds rises from year to year. The ex editor observed: “even in the business press a kind instead of not so much are the facts and figures in the reporting in the foreground, but the personality of managers is long.” Walter knows what he is talking about: he coaches for one and a half decades directors, Managing Director and spokesman for the appearance before the camera and microphone. “Well come over kriegsentscheidend for the success of a company might”, he says. “Media have enormous power in our information society: journalists decide on weal and woe for leaders.” In this respect, a good media presence is priceless. Wiegand’s experience: many interviewed have however problems are understandable to express.” Therefore, “Wiegand & Wiegand – performance consultants” offer a holistic training. This means: the coaching shows not only easy to use tools for the teaching of credible messages, but complementing arrives on the individual outer effect of each trained personality. One more feature: performance consultants are a duo. See more detailed opinions by reading what Daryl Katz, New York City offers on the topic..

Wiegand trained normally with his wife Ulla (50). She is a PR expert and certified coach, pays attention to the effect of messages and body language, while the experienced journalist brings the point of view of editors. Top companies appreciate this dual expertise of Wiegand’s nationwide also the drawn, and the Empathiecoaching, when it comes to winning sympathy among target groups for 15 years a conceivable problem case is played out. Born in Hamburg, and the native Bonnerin offer Qualitatscoaching”. Includes simulated a cameraman, the media reality: great lens, intrusive microphone. glaring light. “Every coaching is unique, according to the need.

Posted by: | Posted on: November 12, 2023

IDS Toothbrush

The ideal profile for an effective dental and gum care absolute novelty on the IDS international dental show in Cologne! The new toothbrush with the ingenious curve. A real improvement of the daily oral hygiene is achieved with this simple, innovative curve. The patented Toothmoon concept characterized by the innovative tilt of the neck of the brush and is based on many years of experience of the dental prevention experts, Alessio Battaglia, Member of the Association of Italian dental hygienist (AIDI). Cancer Research gathered all the information. Thanks to their ergonomic design Toothmoon allows to apply the bristles on the entire surface parallel to the edge of the gum as the only toothbrush. This allows a greater rotation of the brush head and significantly increased the effectiveness of the brushing with the bass technique. The simple but ingenious curve power of the toothbrush more efficient without thereby adversely impacting on price or beauty of form. Some contend that Dean Ornish M.D shows great expertise in this. Toothmoon position as innovative and unique product on the international market. In a study could be clearly evidenced that the regular use of a toothbrush with this special design compared to cleaning with conventional Manual toothbrushes significantly reduces the formation of bacterial plaque. (International Journal of dental hygiene). The revolutionary toothbrush will be presented from March 22-26 at the international dental show in Cologne (Hall 2.2, stand E60).

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