
Posted by: | Posted on: July 21, 2021

Visible God, peace of the invisible, his word in silence understand it if elected to the Kingdom we know, joy of silence silence eloquent and powerful sonnet as you divine boat aground, is God himself to saying what is silent if you hear it, see it wonderful. Silence is a dream venturoso how splendid Sun which erupts in thee, O is the infinite night that VI on your skin and in your glorious being. The silence that you fear if you hurts, double-edged sword you serene and achieves you heal because you want to. Silence is God himself who does not die, you cherish and glad the good soul and fills you with peace and grace filled. Inspired by her nature voice sonnet inspiration Sun and rain that everyone belongs and in the fields of the world creates green, a poem is creation of beauty.

Supreme truth of such prowess be poet, eyes flower deserves to wind the star that flourishes, Superior to fame and wealth. A poem is the universe and the universe is a poem. Silence is all, throughout a verse. Fire and light in the soul, not burn us quiet inspiration, smooth silence with his tongue on the skin, the Supreme voice! Beauty eloquent poets and lovers of poetry, our nostalgia is vacuum the hope of our Sonnet mountain silence of fullness is Elegy not debris from ruins mildew, Nostalgia of sonnet suffering becomes Ode of joy. Mountain of silence my soul there in my intimacy Rejuvenates the art of living never perish, beauty is divine poetry. Mountains of resounding silence me always speaks of it as a secret, silence is eloquent and eternal. Mountains of transparent silence the ODE and the Elegy that I respect, silhouette drawn in a sonnet! God our prayer sonnet when talked with God we can not imagine, grace in prayer, makes present in the soul of the believer without a doubt, if spirit of faith profess you.

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