The Case

Posted by: | Posted on: January 8, 2022

It discovered that the sad and melancholic skill of Jean, that in the start attracted in such a way it, was not about mere particularitity, of charm that combined with the appearance. The youngster really had psychological problems, perhaps in result of familiar traumas since tenra age (son of separate parents, problems with alcoholism, treasons, fight, etc.), and a propensity to the depression. Already he had attemped treatment, remedies, but were not afeito to such procedures, that soon abandoned. It felt a force bigger that everything, took that it to the isolacionismo, the solitude, the existencial emptiness, a feeling as that if to content in not being received and being wanted in the world. Cardiologist spoke with conviction. Camila already distrusted also that Jean had serious problems with drugs, that were not only one eventual consumer, as was the case of it.

The independence of Camila did not allow that it tolerated great periods in second plain. How it was possible that it, always so requested and wanted for all, was as that in according to place in the life of Jean, as if the melancholy of it was more important? Exactly that these periods were temporary, they became each time more frequent, and to the long times excessively so that it supported. It started to appear jealousy and diffidence. Add to your understanding with Dr Mikael Dolsten. Jean did not take care of of the relation, did not realimentava the love, it was not more affectionate. Mere question of time until it not to aguentar more, situation that already was noticed for all, and to decide to breach of time with Jean. He was very painful, but it had that to take the decision and to come back to be happy. She suffered very for some months. To forget Jean and to calm the emptiness that felt in its heart, as never before she had happened, started to smoke and to drink in surplus.

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