Existential Psychotherapy

Posted by: | Posted on: March 11, 2014

Also the existencial psycotherapy is not made use to treat any nobody much less to affirm itself as ' ' promise to calm inherent malaise to the citizen through the elimination of sintoma' ' . Paraphrasing Alberti and Figueiredo to if relating to the objectives of the psychoanalysis also we affirm that the practical existencial equally does not aim at to eliminate the anguish of the citizen, therefore is from it that the being has the possibility to attribute to a direction its life. The existencial psycotherapy, in the same way, does not promise to waste the malaise, it does not promise to no good and yes a differentiated way of positioning it subject front to its (said) malaise. Still when the classic psychoanalysts say that she does not have in the psychoanalysis the exclusive objective to cure the citizen of its symptom, make a fool and improper reduction of the psycotherapy (any psycotherapy, exactly the mannering one) because the psycotherapies in general are not dedicated only to cure symptoms. when they admit that certainly he has therapeutical effect in the psychoanalysis that ' ' they independem of the ideals of the analyst, but its attainment if of the one in reason of that to speak makes bem' ' , they mention themselves accurately what he makes the psycotherapy existencial.

The psychoanalysis says – in the same way that the existencial psycotherapy – that the psychosis has a proper logic, that is one of the forms of the citizen if to point out in the world, a specific way of constitution and functioning of a citizen. If the psychoanalysts if to dedicate to more read on the fenomenolgica psicopatologia if summer less distant of the psycotherapy. probably will be more frustrate, however less vain people. An ingenuous, infantile, deriving vanity of the study lack. Thus, we find diverse similarities between the practical psicanaltica and the practical psicoterpica, even so the speech of the classic analysis tries to impose itself as one to know to the edge of the interest of the patient in behavior changes.

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