Transforming in the Atlantic

Posted by: | Posted on: December 31, 2013

Transforming the nature, we search to guarantee our adaptation our survival. Today, however, we perceive a grandeexacerbao of the creation. We start to create things that in are not necessary epara this the nature have been sacrificed of rude form and without modesties they quefizeram (it with 93% of Atlantic Mata that do not exist more). We create umainfinidade of illnesses and later we were to search the remedies to treat them.

Criamosindivduos kept out of society that returns for ‘ ‘ to make right the accounts with sociedade’ ‘ plus a infinity of things which really we did not need. The man, definitively became insane. We lose our particularitities (those that nosdiferenciam of the said animals irrationals) and only start to be umneurtico between as much, we start to be the gears of the machines manufacter quemovem (impious) the capitalism. Desumanizamos us e, finally, in ‘ ‘ coisificamos’ ‘. Vidanunca so was devaluated. You impress yourself with the fact of, each vezmais, the parents to embed its children on the contrary of the opposite? He impresses yourself eats banalizao of the violence, the lack of love to next and itself exactly? Muitaspessoas answers that and this is not still more amazing. Many religions atatribuem this to ‘ ‘ forces of mal’ ‘ , but I find that, when making this, estamossubestimando the capacity human being. It is very sad to admit that some indivduospossam if to become these empty and unscrupulous machines, but we have that to make it.

Oshomens, unhappyly, had left of side its more acute, deep feelings the truth is that today if it loves (or at least, is respected) much less would queseria of it necessary to live itself well. We do not value more ‘ ‘ pequenos’ ‘ encantosque in them is total available in day-by-day. We do not know in them, we nosabemos nor we search to know what we feel nor what the others feel, we noobservamos the life that happens in all place. Not we remember ingenuidadeque more than we possessed in tenra infancy perhaps and this explains the craze of perseguioque many of us tries. Ahead of this sad painting that if discloses to each day it is inevitable to questionnaires on until when we will support this reigning chaos. Some, comoPatch Adams, for example, say that not even we will resist until prximosculo. It will be? It is possible that let us have this reply soon. However, we need in them to put into motion, since we create as many things until here we must, nomnimo, to create new ideas and to place them in practical in the attempt of that nadatenha been in they go. Nopodemos to allow that let us become in them barren of new ideas.

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